
Power of Music
Rock, Pop, Jazz,
Blues, Country, Folk
World, Celtic,
New Age,
Drum Circles
and More
Event Director
B. Hughes
bio >

One Song International
Music Festival
Teen Power of Music

Art by Justin Coburn

Practitioner: Marilynn Carter

printing donated by:

graphics/website by
Connie Fisher
An International Music Spectacular
A Multi-Cultural, Multi-Generation,
Music Celebration and the
Innovations for Humanity Conference,
Exposition and Summit
Healing Arts

Sara & Caroll Piper working on B
Learn the Gift of Reiki: Reiki Attunements
One Song NH will offer Reiki attunements during the Festival to bring love, light, joy, peace and music together throughout the world.
We welcome anyone wishing to enhance their service work, increase their self healing, and help heal the world, to join us to learn the basics of Reiki energy healing.
Register to receive your Reiki attunement and receive more information to explain Reiki. You will receive your Reiki attunement from a certified Reiki Master at your scheduled time. The attunement will last about 15 minutes, followed by a demonstration of basic hand positions for self care.
Payment is a love donation, whatever you feel you can afford. Two informational group sessions will answer your questions.
Those wishing to learn more than the basics may register for a complete class with one of the student guides.
Anyone attuned to Reiki at Power of Music NH will be eligible for a full day of training and a certificate of completion with a Reiki Master at half the regular cost plus a $10 materials fee.
Any Festival attendee may register to receive a class after the festival from a Reiki Master at a special conference rate.
Thank you for the desire to share your love and light with the world!
~Marilynn Carter, RPMT
Marilynn Carter is certified in the Usui System of Natural Healing as a Reiki Master and Teacher; is a certified and registered Karuna Reiki ® Master Teacher; certified in Magnified Healing as a Master Healer and Teacher; certified as a Shamballa Basic Master Healer and Teacher; a certified practitioner in Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) and a certified Practitioner in Healing Touch, Level I; and has taken classes in Crystal Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Chinese Medicine.
An independent practitioner for SeaCare Health Services of Portsmouth and Exeter, NH, Marilynn volunteers as a Reiki practitioner for Diabetes Direction Day and has been a volunteer Practitioner for the Integrative Medicine Alliance (IMA) Mobile Care Clinic.
She is also an Independent Distributor for Xango, a natural health and wellness product, an activist for Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome and was one of the reviewers for the book: “Powerful Body, Peaceful Mind”; How to Heal Yourself with Foods, Herbs and Acupressure by Brian Benjamin Carter (no relation).
She is a member of Associated Massage & Bodyworks Professionals, Northeast Holistic Health Assoc., Holistic Options Produce Effects, and facilitates a monthly Healing Circle at Dover Yoga and Pilates.
Marilynn is the mother of two daughters and lives with her husband in Dover, NH. She sees adults and children in her private practice and teaches private and group classes and workshops.
Marilynn Carter, RPMT
Professional Energy Healer and Educator
Reiki for people of all ages reikiwithmomcarter.com
Many Paths for Health manypathsforhealth.com

Amber Polo
Relaxation: One Breath at a Time
Camp Verde, AZ
Amber Polo’s keyboards send out words, not tunes. This writer, novelist, yoga teacher, Reiki Master, and librarian writes paranormal and fantasy with a twist, playing until the magic moves the words around the page.
Romancing Rebecca, her comic paranormal romance set in Sedona, AZ, makes fun of romance novels and the “spiritual” side of Sedona.
Her second novel Flying Free, an airpark romance, will be released in September.
WordShaping: Shaping, Shifting, & Sharing Your Words: Amber's blog offers entertaining interviews to help writers find balance and information with a smile along the way. Bloglink
Amber’s vocals use her soothing voice to teach relaxation. Relaxation: One Breath at a Time has two tracks - one to relax and revitalize and one to help you sleep. Her words are based on the traditional yogic savasana developed by Sri Swami Satchadananda, the Woodstock guru, and is backed by the soothing keyboards of Eric Williams. Guaranteed to create relaxation, bring sleep, and stimulate creativity in 20 minutes.
Relaxation One Breath at a Time on CD Baby