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Rock, Pop, Jazz, Blues, Country, Folk World, Celtic, Latin New Age, Bluegrass Cajun, Drum Circles and More Event Director
One Song International
An International Music Spectacular A Multi-Cultural, Multi-Generation,
Come-Together Proposed Schedule Quick Links: Saturday | Sunday Friday Sound Stage 1 7:07 - 7:27pm World of Sound Opening Ceremony 7:30 - midnight Band Showcases Sound Stage 2 7:07 - 7:27pm 7:30 - midnight Healing Sound Stage and Expo 5:30 - 7:00pm 7:07 - 7:27pm 8:00 - 10:00pm Big Kahuna VIP Center Stage Innovations for Humanity Summit Entrepreneurial spirited folks approach real investors and brokers to obtain funding for their humanitarian projects. Requirements: Projects that help the planet with a healthy return on investor’s money. Categories: Under 18, College Students, 21-50, 51-70, 71+ to the Fountain of Youth. It’s Never Too Late for Your Dreams! Experts In the fields of Entertainment, Publishing, Alternative & Traditional Medicines, Education, Community Volunteer Organizations, Teen Charities and Groups, and Environmental Groups give advice to the Young at Heart on positive future directions and tools for the betterment of their lives and worlds. All age presentations Be the Change You wish to see in the world! ~ Ghandi Exhibition of Products and Services to better our world. In keeping with our theme of positive world change and personal responsibility. All age exhibitions The most original sounds from the best College & Professional Projects throughout New England will perform throughout the day. Two will qualify to open for the Grand Finale, filmed live. 7:07 - 7:27pm Sound Stage 1 SATURDAY 2:00 - 6:00pm 7:07 - 7:27pm 7:30 - midnight Sound Stage 2 SATURDAY Healing Sound Stage and Expo SATURDAY 10:00am - 12 noon 12 noon - 5:00pm Healing Sounds Sound Stage 7:07 -7:27pm 8:00-10:00pm Sound Stage 1 SUNDAY 2:00 - 3:00pm 3:00 - 4:00pm 4:15 - 5:00pm Future: Introducing Howling @ the Moon - One-Song Dedications 5:00 - 6:30pm Mystery Band Leading out the show 7:07-7:27pm
all content & design copyright © 2009-12 Barbara Hughes - Power of Music all rights reserved |